Tuesday, July 17, 2007

it takes all types...

this post is about a girl i met recently and her truly remarkable story. i dont know her complete story. probably never will. and i dont think it really matters if i do or dont because this post is essentially about me.
i dont want to go into how i met her or how we got chatting because things like this will happen to me only and its very hard to explain the how or why. but from the moment i met her i knew her life was, well basically fucked up. i just get a sense about these things and 9 times out of 10, im right.
anyways so we got chatting and she told me she has never had a family. not that she's an orphan but that her dad died when she was a child and that she has lived all alone since then. i dont know how it works but i was too scared to ask her for fear of releasing some deep seated emotion i couldn't handle...
standing there in semi darkness listening to her saying in a gradually peaking voice of desperation almost, 'but i've never had anybody, but i've never had anybody' .....gave me goose bumps...and a perverse sense of happiness thanking god for my own parents...
i cant think of coming back home day after day after day to nobody. having no one to call me during the day and ask me if i've had lunch, no body to serve me dinner when i come home so tired sometimes im ready to cry, nobody to stonewall me when i come home late on saturday nights, no one to have stupid fights with...
i see so so many half families around me, im almost scared to speak aloud of mine for fear they'll be taken away... where ever will i be then?....

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