Thursday, December 6, 2007

making such a spectacle of myself....

i've come to the conclusion that looking at life through a piece of glass makes all the difference... i haven't worn my glasses 'publicly' for a while now. being fat and bespectacled growing up was too much to bear and i shed both the minute i hit college. now thanks to a badly scratched old pair and a never ending delay with the new pair of lenses, i'm forced to wear my glasses in my meetings with the outside world.

mind you, i'm not being paranoid. on the few occasions when friends or people in general saw me with my glasses there is always an uncomfy silence initially as if they feel the need to apologise for my hugely deficient vision. or of course there is the outright "how come you wear such thick glasses man" amazement written all over the face but never voiced. v particular then of my looks (little as they may be) i have tried to get rid of my awkward embarrassing childhood by hiding the fact of my glasses as best as i could. until now that is.

walking down brigade road this morning with my glasses on, i was suddenly unconcerned about who would see me in my glassy glory. no worrying about cat calls, taking a bus in a crowded stop or worrying about getting dust into my eyes all the time. i dont feel the need to explain them away. sure i wear glasses. they lend me a gravity i can easily hide behind...its also the easiest transition, i have realised, from 'akka' to 'aunty'.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol.. so let's call them the transition spects then ;)