I have realised that of all my holidays, the only ones I have EVER enjoyed are the ones involving sun, sand and surf. Although my holidayness is restricted to Pondicherry and Goa at the moment... Velankani was an exception but that experience was so traumatic I prefer not to go into the minors of that.
Maybe it is the calming effects of a brilliant clear blue sea. Or the luxurious feeling that comes with a $1000 per night room, which since you haven't paid for it, seem even more luxurious. Or lounging in what my friends call my 'skimpies' (never mind I nearly passed out from all the trying not to breathe thing). Maybe its just the feeling of knowing its ok to have no plan at all....so I'm back from holiday, v refreshed and ready to take on this new year.....
Made a couple of resolutions for the new year. I quit smoking. But today is Day 1 since and I have already discovered a smoking buddy.... bad girl....I have resolved to hit the gym in right earnest... And yes I will drink less coffee and stress less...wait that's last year's resolution.... ....Listened to this horoscope thingie this morn on the radio and the lady said that all matters of the heart will take a back seat and my career will come to the forefront....umm... seeing how I have so much to look forward to this year, I think I will go with this particularly Goan (I think...) custom before the New Year...make an effigy of all that I hated both in myself and the world around me and burn it...so that I am ready to start the year on a fresh, optimistic note:

You look so cute ;)
Have a great year ahead. Cheers!!
"So wot did you dooo"?... is so pissing me off :-) ; Well cos the answer is that i slept at 10 PM 2007 and woke up 10 AM 2008 :-)
All the best for all the resolutions, specially the quit smoking one :-) I hope that lasts the loooogest !
Have a great year ahead :-)
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