Love your God. I have questioned my faith over and over again when I was faced with some of the worst phases of my life. But there has been light at the end of my tunnel. And I am grateful. Loving god makes you humble.Makes you able to laugh at everything and gives you a mint fresh perspective on life.
The truth does set you free. I have heard about convicts on death row who swear by this. Normally I wouldn't have thought that this would rank so high up on my notes. Nothing liberates you like the truth. It takes a moment of pain to face upto the truth and a lifetime of sleeping well at night!
Love. Yeah, I am getting corny now but love with all your might. Your family, your friends, life. Wear your heart on your sleeve. Love even if it means having to wait to be loved back. Or not being loved back at all.
Love your family. Being a horribly rebellious teen, I missed out on so many years of being close to my parents. The no of years directly equalled the no of stupid mistakes I made. Irrespective of that, they love me with such a fierceness, it brings tears to my eyes sometimes. And I know no matter what, they are the ONLY people I can really count on when it matters the most.
Adopt a pet: When it turns out to not be your day AT ALL, go home and hug your pet. Has worked for me.
Start each day with an open mind. Yesterday I judged a theatre competition. Today I chatted with a person on the bus I have seen for over a month now but never more than smiled at. Small things that I would have missed if I had set myself a 'grand plan' for leading my life. Take each day as it comes. Yes, its about finding time to stop and smell the roses.
...there are so many more notes that I could add...but this is a work in progress and is what I hold dear as of today... As I face each new day, I'm sure there will be a new note waiting to happen....
ummm a few things:
who was the Stranger you finally decided to speak to :P
cant hug my pets coz they wil die -- btw did i tel u i bought 4 fishes :)
anyone 'interestin' last evenin?
and no dont think 'Nothing liberates you like the truth' is true...
Nice thinking start to a monday ha ?
Dunno about the god thing, but nothing liberates you like truth is very true ! I have more than one personal experiences to belive that ! OMG , life is much easier after the truth is out :-)
Quite an honest set of notes :)
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