so we all know how men are accused of having one thing only on their minds....but conversations I have had over the last one week have suddenly brought home the fact that we women are no different....We have one thing on our minds all the time too....
2 day before New Years, friend lounging by the pool
My friend is someone who gets super annoyed if you try to talk to her while she is messaging... (Hey, I can do only one thing at a time you know) That day though, she was busy reading, listening to music, eavesdropping on the girls next to her discussing some boy, checking out the 2 cute boys lounging on the other side of her AND messaging me to say that she had found the perfect boys for the 2 of us (Tall and slightly rakish for me, geeky good looks for her)......
New Years eve, airport lounge, me and girl friend
I realise she has been nudging me in the ribs for the past 3mins. Her tongue is doing a clean sweep of the floor as she ogles hot bod in white t-shirt. As if on cue, he decides to change in the middle of a busy airport into something even more figure hugging. By now, I think she was already wondering what to name their kids... Till his girl friend walked up... I could only silently offer her my shoulder to cry on....
3 mins later, her elbow in my ribs again. This time she's eyeing pilot boy.
Me: Eh....why you looking the other way if you are trying to catch his eye?
She: I'm playing hard to get.....
Me: (Silence--how could I try to explain that its not playing hard to get if the other person doesn't know you even exist?).......
3 mins later she suddenly decided he didn't seem too hot....i dunno.....
New Years Day, me online with female friend
She: So he messaged saying its the new year and we must make a fresh start...
Me: Eh...didn't he say the same thing last year??...
She: Yeah...but you know its different this time....
Couple of days later
Close friend I haven't spoken to in a really long time calls me out of the blue. Her 2min conversation is to tell me her boss was getting married. The same one she had tried to set me up with while denying she had the absolute hots for him.....
Women, it seems to me, spend a lot of time thinking about men. Wondering why they are such b***ards for calling too often, for not calling often enough, for being too committed, for not being committed this quote somewhere...All women are emotional bastards...and considering we obsess about men all the time it pretty much sums up the situation I think.....
Which leaves me wondering there some point at which women stop obsessing about men? Will I ever be forced to deal with a situation where my I catch my mom saying..."Oooh nice!!"....or is there really a reason why they call it men-o-PAUSE?...... ummm......
Lol!! Glad to see someone who understands it a bit better.
i must say u hav a clear insight
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