Wednesday, April 4, 2007

the age of exhibitionism...

i dont get it..this urge to put everything on the net...including parts of your own body...

was surfing the net the other day and came across what I thought was a innocent looking blog...about a girl talking about her day..blah blah blah..was quiet funny till i scrolled down and saw...well her pricey assests smack bang in the middle of an otherwise interesting blog....

this is kinda a follow up on my earlier post actually... the urge to share something, anything with nameless, faceless strangers....why would i be interested in seeing say someones ass online? me completely....

another thing i am rather curious in knowing...what are these ppls families doing? if i was putting up some filth on the net say 6 yrs ago...(lets admit it most of these ppl are between 16-30) im sure as hell my parents would have found out...and that would have been a story in itself... if i found something 'inappropriate' online about someone i knew...even if it was a friend i would be concerned enough to do something about it...and i do think one can make a fairly good judement in terms of what is 'appropriate' and what is 'inappropriate'... these days....

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