Monday, April 2, 2007

New Kid on the Blog

well this should have ideally been my first post but I just had so many thngs to say yesterday that I forgot to say Hi!

very new to this...not because I'm tech un-savvy ( ok ok I am but not that much) but because I honestly didnt see the point of putting my life+thoughts out on the net for the whole world to see....the idea just didn't appeal to me initially....

Till that is I came across this article in some paper about this guy who charges some 10,000 bucks to write biographies of ordinary and me ppls...his justification....everybody has a story to tell and somebody somewhere is interested in the stories you tell.... 'You have to maintain a record of who you are...doesnt make sense for humans to live and die like animals'....I thnk is what he said....dont quite like him being so dismissive about animals but I thought ..yeah what he says makes a LOT of sense....besides I can do it 10,000 bucks cheaper :O....

So, will there maybe no 'Hang on, let us get the popcorn' stuff here... its just gnna be me...sarcastic, cynical, confused

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