Monday, April 2, 2007

What if I wrote something intellectual?....

What are the chances that if I did write something that someone did want to say copy/ use without my knowledge....what do I do?

The reason I'm asking : Y! India has published some stuff off someones blog without crediting her for it...she along with some of her blogger friends went as far as marking Mar 5 or something as 'Protest Plagarism' Day...what did she get in return? zilch....or atleast a hastily posted 'We're real sorry but v real careful normally about this kind of thing'...which was removed after a while is what i understand.... scary...or atleast it would be if it was something that was dear to me....

So I set out to do my own little 'investigating'...found out all about licenses and stuff...which is v most blogs come with an in-built license which you are supposed to verify at the time of signing up...umm...after all that reading, I still dont know whether I'm copy right protected or not....and theres vvvv little knowledge of this..atleast in India....what DO you do?

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