Sunday, April 15, 2007

its gonna be a manic monday

well i haven't posted since the 9th which was Monday and today is Monday again...which means it's been a crazy week...and promises to be so till the rest of the month wonder the title of my last post...
this is the annual results season of cos which is like exam time for me...all i hve time for is wake up rush to work have the craziestf***ingday go back home irratated-hatingtheworld-readytodie and do the same routine all over again the next day....ok now im cribbing...
my horoscope for today says that I am about to hve a major change in my line of work....i hope tats for the better...wouldnt mind the job of all those travel reporters on discovery travel and living...but then again i dont believe in horoscopes.....

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