Thursday, September 20, 2007

Human Nature....

that is one of the sexiest instrumental pieces i have ever miles davis....the real thing is anything but...and i seem to have gotten the worst of it this week...

monday: editor eggs me on to make a bad decision. when the thing blows up in my face, he pretends like he had nothing to do with it
tuesday: spineless senior who started the whole thing in the first place doesn't back me up...and he doesn't do it in my face either....i find out about him doing it behind-my-back...grrr
wednesday: anchor gets on air info wrong....gets angry mail from viewer....and i get mail from him saying we (????) should let it go this time.... what the.....

sigh sigh sigh...its a friday...i'm doubting v much if i want to come back monday

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lol.. seems like it turned out to be a pretty interesting week ;)